How to add underwater effect to text

Written by Kerry

I am a curious, intuitive brand + web designer providing eco-visionary genius’ who are ready for mindful, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions that illuminate their eco-conscious values with functional innovation.  When I’m not  drowning my plants with love, my curious imagination is finding ways to make your brand sparkle, with a clear design strategy, illustration and website design solution that innovate.

How to add Underwater Effect to Text in Photoshop!

Ever wanted to give your text more depth, or spice up a video title?

Follow these quick and easy steps to add an underwater effect to your text with photoshop!

  1. Find the photograph you want to use and soften the water, by adding a gaussian blur (playing with saturation can also help) and resave this as a new photoshop file.
  2. Type your text using thick font, or heavy font weight, then right-click on your text layer and choose convert to smart object.
  3. With your text layer selected click filter > distort > displace and adjust until you can start to see your bubbles or water coming through the text. Make sure you have stretch to fit, wrap around and embed file data in smart object ticked. When prompted select the document you saved earlier to use as the displacement map.
  4. You can duplicate the water layer and right-click to make a clipping mask to increase the underwater feel. Try even changing the blend mode and fill percentage to get your desired effect.

Sit back and bask in your genius and capturing your text underwater!

PS. Tag me @abeckercreation in what you create I’m always interested to see how these tips work for people! Follow for more designer tips and tricks!

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