How to create a double colour exposure effect in photoshop!

Written by Kerry

I am a curious, intuitive brand + web designer providing eco-visionary genius’ who are ready for mindful, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions that illuminate their eco-conscious values with functional innovation.  When I’m not  drowning my plants with love, my curious imagination is finding ways to make your brand sparkle, with a clear design strategy, illustration and website design solution that innovate.

Want to create more depth, character, feeling, and style to your photographs?

What is double colour exposure? It is a creative way to show an alternate reality, feeling glitch in time etc.

Try implementing a double colour exposure effect in minutes! With Photoshop!

Here’s how:

  1. Open your photograph in photoshop and duplicate your layer.
  2. With the duplicate layer selected shift it to the side. You can always move this later once you apply the effects.
  3. With the duplicate layer still selected, right-click and choose blending option, and uncheck R(red) channel – click ok.
  4. Transform your duplicate layer by pressing command t and enlarge it and move it into the position you want.
  5. Now if you want to blend 2 photos select the duplicate layer , right-click and choose replace image. You should keep the same effects but have two different image overlays.

Sit back and bask in your new found skills!

PS. Tag me @abeckercreation in what you create I’m always interested to see how these tips work for people! Follow for more designer tips and tricks!

Here are a few more ideas and looks to inspire you!

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